Andreia T. Pereira is a PhD researcher at i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Porto, Portugal. In 2020, she got her PhD in the Bioengineering field, from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, University of Porto, through the highly competitive and prestigious GABBA program. Throughout her scientific career, Andreia passed by 6 national/international labs (at least 1 paper/each) crossing fields from bioengineering, encompassing research topics such as food chemistry, theoretical chemistry, nanomaterials, physical engineering, and biomedicine. Her main areas of expertise are the design/characterization of polymers or biopolymers; the production and characterization of nanomaterial-based composites and coatings; and the in vitro/in vivo evaluation of materials hemo/biocompatibility. In 2021, she established a new research line at i3S that focuses on energy harvesting systems for biomedical applications (3 papers, 1 as 1st author). Mentoring, training, and transmitting knowledge through pedagogy to the next student generations is a passion of Andreia. As such, she has supervised 4 MSc theses, 3 MSc/BSc internships, 2 MSc's fellows, and 1 contracted researcher. The work performed by Andreia has been recognized, namely by being awarded the prestigious Maria de Sousa award from the Bial Foundation & Portuguese Medical Association (handed over by the Portuguese Prime Minister), the L'Oréal Portugal Honor Medals for Women in Science from the L'Oréal Foundation, FCT, and UNESCO (19nd Edition, handed over by the former Portuguese First Lady), the Julia Polak award from the European Society of Biomaterials, and a Travel Grant from the Graphene Flagship. Driven by patient-centered research, Andreia is also an entrepreneur seeking to transfer her lab technologies to the market. As such, she engaged in 4 ignition programs (2 HiSeedTech/Porto Business School, 1 EIT-Health and 1 Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and attracted international/national funding for technology exploitation (PI 100k €, La Caixa Foundation; co-PI 4k €, EIT-Health/UPorto). Andreia has built a network comprising 22 national/international researchers, medical doctors, business advisors, and CEOs. She passed by the lab of the world's top materials scientist, Prof. Wang. Overall, throughout her scientific career, Andreia published 19 papers (5 as 1st & 2 as Corresponding index h: 10), 1 chapter in the prestigious Biomaterials Science Book, 2 patents, participated in 10 scientific projects (4 PI (349k €) & 1 co-PI (4k €)), was awarded a PhD & Post-Doc grant/contract from competitive calls (287k €)), presented 24 orals and 16 posters, won 4 awards, organized 5 conferences/workshop/summer schools, and supervised/mentored 9 researcher/students, referee papers, revised EU project and was invited to integrate PhD juries panel.