creating a
healthier future
Estrela Neto
Associate Researcher

Currently working at NeuroSkeletal Circuits group at i3S, Estrela Neto got her degree in Biochemistry at FCUP/ICBAS of the University of Porto, in 2008. Later, in 2009 she started her research activities at INEB in the Neuro-osteogenesis team under the supervision of Meriem Lamghari. In 2010, Estrela got her MSc from FEUP in Biomedical Engineering. During her Ph.D. in Neurosciences - FMUP, she stayed focused on the topic of the interaction between the peripheral nervous system and the bone. Her growing interest in microdevices/microenvironments and cellular communications are strongly reflected in her present research activity. She is an author of 30 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and 7 articles in international conference proceedings.

Selected Publications

Neto E., Leitão L., Mateus J.C., Sousa D.M., Alves C.J., Aroso M., Monteiro A.C., Conceição F., Oreffo R.O.C., West J., Aguiar P., Lamghari M.
Osteoclast-derived extracellular vesicles are implicated in sensory neurons sprouting through the activation of epidermal growth factor signaling. Cell and Bioscience12(1):, 2022. [Journal: Article] [CI: 7] [IF: 7,5]
DOI: 10.1186/s13578-022-00864-w SCOPUS: 85135937935

Neto E., Monteiro A.C., Leite Pereira C., Simões M., Conde J.P., Chu V., Sarmento B., Lamghari M.
Micropathological Chip Modeling the Neurovascular Unit Response to Inflammatory Bone Condition. Advanced Healthcare Materials11(11):, 2022. [Journal: Article] [CI: 20] [IF: 10]
DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202102305 SCOPUS: 85125234828

Neto E., Alves C.J., Sousa D.M., Alencastre I.S., Lourenço A.H., Leitão L., Ryu H.R., Jeon N.L., Fernandes R., Aguiar P., Almeida R.D., Lamghari M.
Sensory neurons and osteoblasts: Close partners in a microfluidic platform. Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro6(6):586-595, 2014. [Journal: Article] [CI: 52] [IF: 3,8]
DOI: 10.1039/c4ib00035h SCOPUS: 84901624359

Leitão L., Neto E., Conceição F., Monteiro A., Couto M., Alves C.J., Sousa D.M., Lamghari M.
Osteoblasts are inherently programmed to repel sensory innervation. Bone Research8(1):, 2020. [Journal: Article] [CI: 24] [IF: 13,6]
DOI: 10.1038/s41413-020-0096-1 SCOPUS: 85084588982

Ribeiro P., Leitão L., Monteiro A.C., Bortolin A., Moura B., Lamghari M., Neto E.
Microfluidic-based models to address the bone marrow metastatic niche complexity. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology112:27-36, 2021. [Journal: Review] [CI: 1] [IF: 7,5]
DOI: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2020.05.015 SCOPUS: 85085951424

Neto E., Leitão L., Sousa D.M., Alves C.J., Alencastre I.S., Aguiar P., Lamghari M.
Compartmentalized microfluidic platforms: The unrivaled breakthrough of in vitro tools for neurobiological research. Journal of Neuroscience36(46):11573-11584, 2016. [Journal: Article] [CI: 88] [IF: 6]
DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1748-16.2016 SCOPUS: 84996552043