Ana Catarina Almeida has a Degree in Bioengineering from the University of Beira Interior. In the final year of her Degree, she won the StartUp Voucher 2020-2022 with the project 3DPrintFil - Reuse of 3D Printing Thermoplastics using an Extruder, receiving support from IAPMEI and UBIMedical. This project aimed to collect and repurpose wasted 3D printing filaments, addressing industry needs and implementing a recycling approach to reduce waste and pollution associated with additive manufacturing significantly.
Ana Catarina Almeida also holds a Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Aveiro. Her Master's Thesis titled "Novel Carbon Dots@Aminoporphyrins Nanohybrids for enhanced Cancer Photodynamic Therapy and Bioimaging" was made in collaboration with: a) Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA) – University of Aveiro; b) LAQV-REQUIMTE - University of Aveiro; c) Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research (iCBR) – Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra; and d) Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE) – Instituto Superior Técnico. During her Master's Degree, she had the opportunity to participate in a Blended Intensive Programme in Modern Topics and Methods in Biomedical Research at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, at Poland.
Moreover, Ana Catarina Almeida has always played an active role in associations, having been a member of ANEEB - Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Biomédica, and a Co-Founder of the IEEE EMBS Chapter at the University of Aveiro, awarded for Best EMBS Student Chapter in Europe and Worldwide 2023, one year after its creation.
Currently, Ana Catarina Almeida is a Research Fellow for the Blood4Energy project at i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, under the supervision of Dr. Andreia Pereira and Dr. Inês Gonçalves.