creating a
healthier future
Pedro Mendes Rodrigues
Associate Researcher

Over the course of my 13-year scientific career as an immunologist, my research has been devoted to studying the development of the thymus, which plays a key role in the generation of functional self-tolerant T cells. My journey began in 2012 as a master student in the research group led by Dr. Nuno Alves (IBMC, Porto), supported by a research fellowship (FCT: BI-PTDC/SAU-IMU/110116/2009). In 2013, I was awarded a Ph.D. scholarship through a competitive call from FCT (FCT-SFRH/BD/86605/2012). My Ph.D. thesis focused on uncovering new molecular mechanisms underlying the function of the thymus in both steady and regenerative conditions. After completing my Ph.D. in 2018, I was invited to continue my career as a post-doctoral researcher at i3S (Porto). In 2020, I secured a 6-year contract for an independent research position in a competitive national call from FCT (CEECIND/00267/2018). Since then, I have been implementing my independent research lines that are centred on Thymic Epithelial Cells (TEC) development and their role in T cell selection, with the goal of establishing my research group. My studies have provided major advances in the field of TEC biology, T cell development, and immune tolerance, resulting in 13 articles published in prominent journals in the field of immunology (Autophagy, Blood, Journal of Immunology, European Journal of Immunology, and Trends in Immunology). Apart from my scientific productivity, I have recently secured my first research grant as Principal Investigator (FCT) and another as co-principal investigator (FCT). Over the last few years, I have mentored and trained 1 post-doctoral researcher, 1 Ph.D. student, 3 M.Sc. students and 3 B.Sc. students. Lastly, I have been presenting my work at international and national meetings and have received solicitations to act as a reviewer for several research journals.

Selected Publications

Rodrigues P.M., Sousa L.G., Perrod C., Maceiras A.R., Ferreirinha P., Pombinho R., Romera-Cárdenas G., Gomez-Lazaro M., Senkara M., Pistolic J., Cabanes D., Klein L., Saftig P., Alves N.L.
LAMP2 regulates autophagy in the thymic epithelium and thymic stroma-dependent CD4 T cell development. Autophagy19(2):426-439, 2023. [Journal: Article] [CI: 17] [IF: 14.6]
DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2074105 SCOPUS: 85130879833

Rodrigues P.M., Ribeiro A.R., Perrod C., Landry J.J.M., Araújo L., Pereira-Castro I., Benes V., Moreira A., Xavier-Ferreira H., Meireles C., Alves N.L.
Thymic epithelial cells require p53 to support their long-term function in thymopoiesis in mice. Blood130(4):478-488, 2017. [Journal: Article] [CI: 31] [IF: 15,1]
DOI: 10.1182/blood-2016-12-758961 SCOPUS: 85026293874

Rodrigues P., Peterson P., Alves N.
Setting Up the Perimeter of Tolerance: Insights into mTEC Physiology. Trends in Immunology39(1):2-5, 2018. [Journal: Short Survey] [CI: 9] [IF: 13]
DOI: 10.1016/ SCOPUS: 85035084214

Rodrigues P.M., Ribeiro A.R., Serafini N., Meireles C., Di Santo J.P., Alves N.L.
Intrathymic deletion of IL-7 reveals a contribution of the bone marrow to thymic rebound induced by androgen blockade. Journal of Immunology200(4):1389-1398, 2018. [Journal: Article] [CI: 9] [IF: 4,7]
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1701112 SCOPUS: 85044784393

Meireles C., Ribeiro A., Pinto R., Leitão C., Rodrigues P., Alves N.
Thymic crosstalk restrains the pool of cortical thymic epithelial cells with progenitor properties. European Journal of Immunology47(6):958-969, 2017. [Journal: Article] [CI: 27] [IF: 4,2]
DOI: 10.1002/eji.201746922 SCOPUS: 85017500745

Ribeiro A., Rodrigues P., Meireles C., Di Santo J., Alves N.
Thymocyte selection regulates the homeostasis of IL-7-expressing thymic cortical epithelial cells in vivo. Journal of Immunology191(3):1200-1209, 2013. [Journal: Article] [CI: 83] [IF: 5,4]
DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1203042 SCOPUS: 84880685834