Histology and Electron Microscopy
The Histology and Electron Microscopy platform is focused on Electronic Microscopy (EM), namely sample preparation; conventional ultrastructural analysis in 2D; immunogold-labeling; negative staining ; elemental analysis - energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (STEM-EDS), and Optical Microscopy (OM) namely grossing, processing, embedding and sectioning; special stains; cryoprocessing and immunohistochemistry. The Histopathology service, within HEMS offers a full range of macroscopic and histopathology services, able to support research groups using animal models or human tissues in histopathology studies. The unit provides the equipment, technical support and guidelines to researchers needing high level electron and optical microscopy to tackle studies either of cells, tissues or material sciences, not only for i3S and the University of Porto, but also outside institutions for industry and companies’ users. HEMS can help to define optimal experimental conditions for the research as wells to participate in the projects. Besides the training courses for researchers, masters and PhD programmes, the unit also offers internships for higher education students. Currently, the unit is engaged in workshops or exhibitions for the general public organised by the i3S Communication Unit.
Platform Head
Histology Equipment
- Cryostat epredia - NX50 IQOQ
- Cryostat Leica CM 3050S
- Paraffin tissue processor Microm
- Modular embedding system Microm
- Paraffin microtome Microm HM335E
- Paraffin Microtome Leica RM2255
- Vibratome - LEICA VT 1200S
- Tissue Chopper McILwain EC350
- Brightfield Microscope - Leica DM2000 LED
- Brightfield Microscope - Olympus DP 25 Camera Software Cell B
- Ventana Discovery Ultra Platform (Roche)
- PhenoimagerTM HT (Akoya Biosciences)
- Hyperion Tissue Imaging System (CyTOF system, Standard Biotools)
Electron Microscopy Equipment
- Transmission Electron Microscope Jeol JEM 1400
- STEM detector and EDS system
- Scanning Electron Microscope - Phenom XL
- Sputter coater / Glow Discharge - Leica EM ACE200
- Ultramicrotome Leica Reichert SuperNova
- Ultramicrotome PT RMC RMC PowerTome PC=XL
- Knifemaker Leica Glass
Histology services
- Grossing & Processing & Embedding & Sectioning
- H&E staining
- Special stains (monochromatic / polychromatic)
- Cryosectioning
- Tissue sections for DNA extraction
- Histogel processing
- Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence (simple or multiplexed)
- Digital scanning (brightfield and fluorescence)
- Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) (CyTOF)
- Histology image analysis
Electron microscopy services
- Conventional ultrastructure
- Immunoelectromicroscopy
- Negative and cytochemistry stains
- Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS)
- Grossing &Processing & Embedding & Sectioning
- Consultation in tissue analysis.
Required training will be provided to equipment users, that includes:
- Rules for using the equipment;
- General laboratory safety rules applied to processes.
PPBI – Portuguese Platform of BioImage
SPMICROS – Sociedade Portuguesa de MIcroscopia
COMULIS - Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences (COST action CA17121)